| - Can not for the life of me figure out what the hype is all about! Disgusting abominations of sugar on top of sugar, dense bready thick, dry, stupidly huge, so called donuts.
Husband went downtown early sat to get some to try since we heard about the place being so great and that they "sell out". Yeah ok. All first timers or tourists and not repeat customers I'd be sure!
2 days later and they are still sitting on my counter, most untouched, after we "tried" a tasting of a few of them..... And I have a house full of kids, one of which is a teenage boy, if that tells you anything! If they won't eat it you KNOW it's bad! Lol!
The cream brûlée (best seller!?! Ugh!) was disgusting. Tasteless hard coating of topping that sticks in your teeth on top of basically bread with literally a teaspoon amount of supposed Bavarian creme (also not made fresh, definitely out of a can). Ick! Every one we tried had the exact same tasteless dense dense dense bread like dough. I would compare it very much like the French bread loaves you get at Walmart for $1 topped or filled with multiple variations of whatever disgusting sugar concoction you can think of. Frosting (any of them) is nothing special and entirely pointlessly overdone, tastes like store bought in the cake isle. Apple tart topped with bacon one was dry (as were all of them due to the "bread" dough they use). I'm not sure how in the world you can make an apple filling tasteless but they did it! Dumped straight out of a can. Super disappointed since that one looked the most promising. The pop tart one... Well that is one that is still sitting untouched on the counter. Just grossly huge, pop tart wrapped in bread, filled with some sort of sickly sweet jelly, and topped with more sugar type topping. Oh! And sprinkles! Puke! My kids wouldn't even touch it.
There is also a sponge bob one so decorated with the gross frosting that my 7 yr old didn't event attempt it.
Basically it is clear that the object of this place is to make things "look" interesting enough to buy but absolutely no attention to actual taste, quality or ingredients. Nothing even remotely tastes like it was hand made fresh. Everything is ingredients you can buy in the cake isle (and bread isle) at the grocery store and make yourself. Blagh!
Hey #donutbar...You can stop saying #bestdonutsintheworld now please!
My recommendation and by far superior quality, taste, freshness, service, and overall care of product is #deesdonuts on centennial and Durango! Go check them out and see the difference!