book city is essentially, at quick glance, a more palatable version of big kahunas like indigo with a used bookstore feel. its very organized and easy to navigate the aisle ways, unlike many used book stores (and like indigos) and yet theres something very basic about it (white and yellow colour scheme-long hallways of books to the ceiling and no circus tricks around) like the used shops and unlike the indigos.
they will have all the newest books and thorough sections of major topics. If you like magazines they have a decent selection of popular mags, but no specialized 10 dollar ones. if you want to order special books they can and will find them for you.
i feel like at one point in the history of the city, book city was the indie book chain, before chapters/indigo came around, but really there are a number of used and non used bookstores around the city, not hidden away that are more unique and filled with character than these ones.
overall, at one point in the history of th