Can I get a amen! Grateful! Today after a few sittings at a few churches in my new town...I finally found the right one for me. Y'all ever do the church shopping thing? It has to reach you. It was a destination today unplanned. I chose a few nights ago...two churches that seemed a great fit and decided on one of the two. In my very well known scurry to church mornings. I entered the address into the GPS. I had taken photos of both the other day. As my GPS took me there, I realized some time had passed and should have been there already. It was then I realized...hey....this is the church I chose. This is the other church that's further. The one I decided against because of the distance.Not wanting to be extremely late I was gettin to A Church. Well this church started at 11:15am Well guess What? I was then early. Not sure what comes over me when I'm late. I always like to be on time. ;) What a welcome that was. Just like my other home at Livewire Church in Naples, I felt ease. The enourmous place of worship was overwhelming. They took me through signup for Aliviya...and walked me through the whole process. I said not a word. Just listened and took it in. I knew how this should have been because I used to serve my church as well. 2 to 3 times a week. It was an honor to do so. And to see that same heart in people was indeed a blessing. Aliviya went right into her class as if it were home. Trusting every step. So proud of her. From beginning to end it was a great experience. The pastor was right at the beginning of the first series of unwrapping the bible. Right at the part I never understood but never bothered to pursue it to understand. I was more like...well maybe Jesus wants me to know this part some other
Moving on, he tore it up in there on stage. The understanding came. I was excited.
After it was over, I was well informed on where to pick Aliviya up and when I got to her she was all smiles. This great big room where all the children gather to be collected by their parents. I was greeted immediately by one of the caregivers, and was delighted to meet one of the daughters of the preachers. She greeted me just as her father had when we first walked in. Was a delighted. When we are leaving and getting on our coats in the lobby of this enormous building, Aliviya says, " I think we found our church". So there it is. I asked the Lord to guide me to the right church. Well he did better. He gave me the GPS dirctions. Lol...He put me where I immediately felt at ease and comfortable. And right where I needed to be in pursuing my next steps. That's how it goes folks! The power in the name Jesus.
And so here I go...