My fur baby Bentley became ill as I was visiting my parents. I searched the Internet for a vet near my parents home with good reviews. Hickory Grove appeared to be a good fit.
I called in the morning on Tuesday and was able to get an appointment for the same day at 4:30pm. When I arrived, myself and Bentley were greeted by the friendly staff. I had to complete a quick info sheet and then we were escorted to an exam room. The first staff to work with Bentley was so sweet. It was clear that she is passionate about animals. She took Bentley's temperature and obtained a brief overview of what was wrong with Bentley.
We did not wait long to visit with Dr. Husky. I can't say enough good things about her. She was genuine and thorough. Although she was unclear as to what was going on with Bentley, she provided me with diagnostic options. I decided to go with obtaining lab work, urine test and having a heart and lymes test done. Outside of him having a fever, slightly high white blood cell count, and a slight UTI - there was no clear diagnosis. Dr. Husky suggested antibiotics and a vet approved wet dog food. We were in the office for about 1.5 hours and had a bill of $308. The lab work was the most expensive. I think the bill was fair for everything that was done. Additionally, Dr. Husky made sure she provided me with the contact information for the Emergency vets in the area.
The following day I received a voicemail message from Dr. Husky. She indicated that she was calling to check on Bentley! This meant the world to me! I called back in, and gave the front desk staff the update. She placed me on hold to make sure Dr. Husky did but want any additional info. Dr. Husky returned to the line. She suggested that I bring Bentley in the following day to get his temperature checked. She told me that she was out for the rest of the week, but the vet on duty would be made aware of what was going on with Bentley.
We arrived in the office the next morning. We received another friendly greeting. We were quickly escorted to the exam room. Bentley's temp was down to normal, which was great news. The vet on duty re- checked Bentley. He noted that none of Bentley's bones appeared to be broken. He suggested that he may have a sprain and he could prescribe an anti- inflammatory. Bentley still has a limp, but I am optimistic that the treatment plan will work. I am certain that I made a good choice in picking Hickory Grove Vet. I wish we lived here so that this could be our home vet!