Came at the insistence of a friend that had to try it. I wasn't really in the mood for a crepe so I ordered the Rosemary Chicken Panini. My friend had the Chicken Florentine Crepe. This will be my choice if I come again. It was huge and filled with chicken, mushrooms, spinach and cheese. Unfortunately I couldn't try hers because I was getting over being sick and didn't want to risk spreading it. She ate it all and ordered a lemon crepe to split with hubby at home.
On the menu my panini sounded wonderful, however it was pretty lack luster. The menu states grilled chicken, rosemary olive oil, garlic spread, sun dried tomatoes and mozzarella. It was cut into 3 triangles and in some I found very little chicken but enough cheese to cover a large pizza. Tasted the garlic but other than an orange color in the garlic and oil I could not find any sun dried tomatoes. Funny how a menu implies one thing (tomato pieces) but what you get is completely different. It was basically a hot cheese and chicken sandwich with garlic flavor. I'm from Wisconsin so I like my cheese, but not a ridiculous amount. The next day when I went to reheat the remaining triangle I picked out solidified cheese chunks.
Guess I should've adhered to the old saying "When in Rome..." Next time I'll stick to the food the restaurant is advertising in their name. Duh
Gave it 4 stars tho because the restaurant is quaint and comfortable and my friends choice looked awesome! I would give it another try.