I'm not sure who invented silcone, but God bless his kind soul.
I highly suggest renting a cabana especially the ones at the top at the end. Those have 3 smaller pools for use by those cabanas only which overlook the main pools. SO-MUCH-FUN. The cabana waitresses/attendants all had bodies of straight up porn stars. Such slam pieces. So much silicone. FUCKING LOVED IT! I just wanted to drown a bitch and use her boobs as floaties.
Don't get me wrong. I had a straight up blast there, but I would probably have had a bigger boner if they switched up the music a little bit. I can only handle so much techno/euro trash/broken speaker music/whatever-you-want-to-call-this-genre-that-is-ruining-music. Also, it'd be nice if the bathroom doors at the top cabanas worked because some chick walked in on me droppin' a fat dime. I mean, I didn't give a shit (pun intended), but she might have been a little mad that she had to take in a full whiff of my Asian swag. But whatever... WHOEVER SMELT IT DEALT IT!
P.S. If it smells like chicken chow mein in the pool that's because I pissed in it.