We ordered on-line, easy order experience, and set the time of pick-up, and paid on-line. Arrived at pre-agreed time, seeing unbaked pizza's setting uncooked in the prep area. When asked "why" the pizzas were not ready to go, she replied "it's our policy to not cook the pizza's until the carryout person arrives." Really?
Hmmm, We paid for the pizzas so we could just shoot in and get on our way home. When asked if policy applied to already paid for pizza's - received a shrugged shoulder and "what do you care? Pizzas only take a few ninutes to cook..." Yikes. Goid luck with your on-line program. Not a friendly team.
Btw, we elected to turn up our oven and re-heat our pizzas because they were not fully cooked. Be some time before we visit again.