| - What's all the fuss? I'm not sure what folks compare this chain too? The Dead Duck Inn? Joe's local Chinese Gag house? Are those places that great? Sooo fresh and delicious!? Not in my days? Pre-made sitting around and HEAVY oil is what I see from most other establishments. Even those touted by friends. Maybe it's because they know George from behind the counter. It's not Pei Wei! Pei Wei is a quick, fresh and inexpensive gift from heaven. Even the hard to please Yelper has to admit, the multiple options you have to modify your meal should give you no excuse not to love what you order. The food is fresh and prepared to order. Even fried rice is made to order. The sauces are made from scratch and are a combination of quality Chinese ingredients. (Chili paste, fresh garlic, scallions, bean curd, and a bounty of fresh Chinese vegetables). Go Yon China will serve you pre-made sauces with no punch and lots of giggle. The atmosphere at Pei Wei is great! Black and dark red with glossy graphics and all sorts of Chinese! Even with the "stand in line" style of dining. Makes me hungry just thinkin' about the joint. However, to me it's a take out Ferrari! Call in, swipe my card and off I go. Sure, it's not Chang's. Still, it's better than the local Dead Duck Inn's "food" stained art, with a Chinese New Year paper place mat.
Of course! I'm looking at the healthier options a Chinese food place may have to offer, and Pei Wei lifts the bar in multiple sets! Get your chicken steamed, go brown rice, add extra vegetables or go vegetarian. Still you may complain..."Oh, is it too salty? Or too sweet?" Give me a break. This is CHINESE FOOD! And, you won't find MSG. So, if you don't want spicy, salty or sweet; have a meal from Bland of the Rising Sun. But, if you want a highly under rated treat...I ask you to open your mind to this familiar spot for clean, fresh, made to order and "if you like" healthy Chinese food!