Probably better off skipping this place next time I visit but had to see the place bc a huge church turned brewery is a really cool concept.
A few of the beers here are ok. The bartender initially was sort of a douche. Either he confuses rudeness with having a personality or he was nearing the end of his shift and just DGF and it fails to reflect well on the establishment. The girl that took over for him 20 minutes later was much more personable.
A couple of tasty beers here but fewer than other breweries in this town.
What is really absurd is that the bar-keeps I talked to completely agree that the beers suck, but the place opts to serve the shit rather than dump it and just brew something better.
Tried a beer sampler. Four regular beers and four seasonals. I liked the Celestial gold, and the Pipe Organ Pale Ale
The thunderstyle(i think that was the name?) IPA, some licorice mint concoction (sucked), the early summer brew "confessional kolsch" (again, i think that was the name) were not my cup of tea.
Behind the bar was a mess. Wet floors, a clusterfuck of tangled hoses, multiple Dish/glass racks stacks all over the place, wet floors, dusty display of glasses....just a general unsanitary/under-managed feel. That made me & my bro think things like the kitchen....which we cannot see....would only be worse off. Eff-it, we wound up ordering a little food. Very little food. Spinach-feta-gouda dip. That was pretty ok.