This review relates only to the Annual Oyster Feast. We attended the 3rd annual one on October 2nd, 2014.
Price per head was $95. Wine and beer was advertised as included but there were only 2 terrible over crafted beers available from a distributor who seemed to be there to sell their swill. The wines too were generic and low quality from the same distributor. So that whole aspect was a sales pitch. For $95, I'm done buying.
The oyster selection was incredible (at least in terms of presentation) Ice bins were setup everywhere with placards on them naming where the oysters came from around the country. By the time you returned to your seat, you had forgotten the places where they came from and they all looked and tasted the same. Not to mention that all of them were small and had no real heartiness or depth of flavor.
Other selections were fried oysters (over breaded and void of any oyster flavor), oysters Rockefeller (fine enough), and a clam crostini (too fishy)
After about an hour of eating what were essentially appetizers, you realize that's it. There is no real food included even though the advertised menu suggest there is some opportunity to make a meal out of it (and why wouldn't there be, it's $95 so I 'm going into it thinking it is a meal) . But they don't even give you bread to at least fool you into thinking you ate a meal.
Overall, with the alcohol included, it is probably at most a $55 a head event considering you will still have to go out for dinner afterwards.