0 stars for the fillings done on my teeth. I had to see this dentist as he was the only one close by that was covered by my insurance that wasn't a complete horror shop. The place is pretty nice looking but I'm not a fan of the dental work. I have received ALOT of fillings in my life and this was definitely not a good experience. Dr. Hargrave started numbing my mouth and 2 mins later begins drilling my tooth and it's not long before I feel pain and nearly jump out of the seat. Never in my life have I met a dentist that doesn't allow at least 10 minutes for the numbing to take effect. So after we wait a bit he begins the procedure. The entire time he is resting the tools he uses on the corner of my mouth while working. I don't feel it at the time because I am numb on that side but when I got home I noticed a red cut in the corner of my mouth. How unprofessional. I come back a few weeks later for the second filling and he over does it on the numbing this time and the entire side of my face is numb! My eye nose and back of my throat feel like one giant fat lip! At least I didn't experience any pain during procedure this time but my face remained numb for many hours afterwards. The next morning I go to floss my teeth and realize I cannot floss my new filling! There is an excess amount of residue in between my tooth and prevented my floss from reaching the gums! So irritating. I also had another red mark in the corner of my mouth from him resting the tools there during the procedure. I called and asked if I could come in for him to fix this filling and they cannot see me for another week. So I can't floss this tooth for a week? I decide to never go back there again and everyday for the next few days I try to force floss past the teeth next to the new filling in an effort to fix the problem myself. Finally after a few days I'm able to break through and floss that tooth again. A few months later I receive a bill in the mail stating that my insurance didn't cover my x-rays and part of the fillings....are you kidding me?! I'm never going back to this dental office.