I was kind of disappointed to find lots of rice in my "Arizona" burrito. Why would anyone want rice in a 5$ burrito? I don't think even Taco Bell puts rice in their burritos. It's cheap filler material of the worst kind. Asi, send me a message that states you will never stoop so low as to put starchy, white grain in a burrito and I will give you 5 stars and revise this review to tell the world about how great you really are, deep down, before you descended so far.
Once again, rice in my burrito is an affront to decency and earns you no points.
Furthermore, you damaged my credibility with the two mexican workers that were helping me that day. They were like , "huh." And I had to try and convince them the food came from a legit mexican food place.
In actuality the atmosphere was great and all of the bits of food surrounding the rice were pretty good.