Hello Yomayra,
Thanks for staying with us for 6 years that speaks volume. After our many interactions you always expressed how happy you were here at Copper Canyon. I don't feel that a person that claims to had so many issues would have stayed 6 years in a place where they were unhappy. I have an open door policy always as you know, any issues could have been brought to my attention and we could have gotten that taken care of for you. We do have free pest control every week that is advertised in the monthly news letters, which is why I'm shocked behind your review. You spoke about you having some issues with paying your rent and that is why you moved out and that it really seems to me that it really wasn't because of any pest control issues. I'm sorry that you got bedbugs in your apartment, however bedbugs are hitch hikers you can pick them up from anywhere that's what people forget. These apartments are not infested with them. Again any issues you had I really wish you would had came into the office so we could have help you instead of you going this route.
I wish you the best in your apartment search.