Its a NO from me. I am a HUGE proponent of Target and most especially the Pizza Hut Pizza that can be found in nearly every SnackBar at all locations, but yesterday all that hype disappeared for me regarding this Stonecrest location. I walked in, hungry and salivating for some hot, fresh, juicy pizza and what did I find? A closed, dark, empty SnackBar next to the still open Starbucks. What a shame! I literally stood in front of the devoid warming shelves that usually house the yummiest creation on this earth - Pizza Hut Pizza from Target. Now i am not one for confrontation - jk i totally am. The lady at the Starbucks counter turned to me and said "Excuse me, but they are closed now," to which i sternly replied "I know" as i continued to stare into the shiny metal shelves, still warm from their long days work of heating that yummy snack. I mean excuse me for desiring your Pizza Hut Pizza and getting there BEFORE not AFTER your supposed closing time. It wasn't even 9 yet!! So long Stonecrest Target! It will be a while before i can muster up the courage to set foot in your walls again after such a traumatic experience. #PizzaHutPizzaAtTarget i love you.