I went to Lilly on Monday, June 20 to do some birthday shopping. I was in the store for about 40 minutes, not ONE sales person said hello, may I help you, are you looking for anything in particular- nothing. One lady did rip out of my hand two hangers and put them in a dressing room- she never advised which room was mine. The carpet in the dressing room was stained and sticky and just filthy- like Frat house filthy. I had zero room in the dressing room as well. I was not directed where to leave my discards so I had to restock the rack myself.
I overheard two of the sales ladies trying to stay in a New England dialect- yet they kept slipping up. I am truly disappointed in this store. I will travel to Columbus- 125+ miles away to shop rather than 25 miles from my house.
I am very ashamed in my first experience in Lilly.