Id say I go to the Taste more to walk around, drink and watch bands than eat. Ive been to most of these restaurants so its nothing new and exciting.
My big gripe with the food here is most of it is not easy to eat with one hand(as the other holds a beer..or water if you are so inclined). I like street food but it needs to be easy to eat on the go. I love your mango chicken curry with jasmin rice but it is so not pedestrian friendly!
That not withholding the event is fun for kids and adults. I enjoy walking around and seeing all the different stages, most of which pull in some decent names. The event is easy to navigate and sitting on the lawn watching a band is something not to be missed.;
My request of the organizers is to start dis-culding national names or places not specific to Madison. Toppers, Famous Daves, Hu-HOT! im looking at you! This is the Taste of Madison right!? Not the Taste of America.