| - I've always been more of a coffee fan than a tea person. That's changing.
I discovered Steeped and Infused in the spring, when Matt Kantor held a Secret Pickle dinner here, and used some of the teas in each course. Jennifer spoke to each of the teas that night, and also gave us samplers to take home. She's very knowledgeable about her product and the benefits of each tea.
One thing I really like about her shop is that she has samples of each of the tea out, so you can smell them. Each tea is described -- ingredients, uses, history.
She has great tea tools as well: pots, mugs, strainers. It's a great little shop, very calm, organized, and beautiful.
I'm a big fan of her Lapsang Souchong: it truly is the single-malt scotch of teas, with its rich smoky flavour. Other favorites are Old Pu-erh, which is a good digestif after dinner, and rooibos coconut almond, a total reward for the middle of the afternoon.