| - I have received three massages from Teka in the last couple of months. She is absolutely amazing. I have another massage scheduled for next week. After only a few sessions she has definitely become one of my favorite massage therapists, if not my favorite. She always takes a couple minutes before the massage to listen to your comments and concerns so that she can provide you with the most beneficial and optimal massage for the time you have together. She brings a lot of presence to her work and it is an honor to receive her healing touch. So many massage therapists I've had over the years, and oftentimes I find myself bothered afterwards that they didn't touch this spot or that spot, or do a certain technique. With Teka, she could spend the whole hour on a single limb and you would not have any regrets when it was over, except that you wished it was longer. The moment she enters back into the room and begins, she is immediately in her flow and I cannot believe just how quickly the hour goes by. She also gives you your money's worth, and massages for the FULL amount of time that you payed for, which I think is a highly respectable business practice. She usually does deep tissue on me which I never did much of before, but now I am learning to love the modality as her touch is gentle yet very firm. It is easy to see just how much Teka loves what she does, and when it's your turn on the table, she gives you her full undivided attention and energy. That is definitely my favorite part about my experiences with Teka. When somebody enjoys what they do and you are able to receive their gifts, what more can you ask for? I can't recommend her enough!