| - just came from an appointment at the 3225 S alma school location (no specific listing for that office on yelp. it is the same medical group though). i found the nurse to be very nice and professional. however, the doctor was as unhelpful as he could have been, he refused to help me with an URGENT prescription issue, and an URGENT document issue. The document is a part of my continued claim process for my temporary disability payments (which have been stopped due to a change of state, and need to be re-certified before my payments resume. this leaves us with no income for nearly 1 month now). The prescription is for a benzodiazepine, any one really, because they are the only pills that happen to be effective in combating my horrible bi-lateral sciatica pain and discomfort. i explained that i was out of medication and needed it urgently. i also explained that i had been to the emergency room very recently, and they wouldn't help me, telling me that i needed to address both of these matters with my primary care doctor. he stated that he didn't feel "'comfortable" writing me a prescription, because "he didn't know me". i pleaded with them to help me, reminding them that i had a mountainful of documents that i brought with me showing my condition, my many prescriptions, my MRI's, etc...they neither cared to look into those documents (from california), nor did they care to inspect my legs and feet, where there is clear and ugly evidence of months of sciatica. this 'war on pain pills' is completely out of hand. these doctors are clearly doing what fits their idea of protocol, and procedure, and definitely cover their own butt over everything else. in my mind, they are in clear violation of the cobra act; the part where it says a medical facility cannot let someone leave without care, if they are in bad pain. or if they have impaired bodily function, or if they are placing the health of the individual in serious jeopardy (to the best of their abilities). i am a person in dire need of medication, due to the medical communities lack of effective procedures to deal with nerve pain. everywhere i have gone (probably 25 visits to ER's, specialists, urgent cares, etc..) i have been told that they cannot help me with the spine issue that is causal in the sciatica. that makes my only defense to the serious symptoms i suffer from....pills. if medical professionals won't help alleviate pain, do treatments, or prescribe pain pills (in my case, sedatives), than what use are they? primary care doctors are nothing but 'referrers' these day. i will likely end up back in the ER, where they also refuse to help me in any way. this war on pills is hurting a lot of people who actually need them.