I Wonder why we're not allowed to give a place zero stars? Because this is definitely what this place is worth! Being a Hawaii girl, this winter was my first time seeing snow! Our actual plan was to go to Mount Charleston, but it had the avalanche and Brian's Head, but the roads were closed due to a storm, really disappointed! The concierge at TheHotel told us it would be much easier to learn on their slopes anyway...uh, sure - if you had better instructors who don't make fun of beginners on their first time. As we were waiting for the lift one of the instructors told another "I don't get why they have to stop this lift! It goes so slow! Ridiculous!" since he was only about 3 feet away I sarcastically mentioned "Maybe because it's for beginners? Aren't you an instructor btw? Isn't it your JOB to teach us? Nimrod!"
Another incident I witnessed was a little boy who was also learning had crashed hard into a gate, where was his instructors? No idea! But all of the other instructors who were available and around were standing and watching about 15 feet away laughing hysterically. Real professional!
To all you idiots up there, I'd like to see you come to Hawaii and surf a wave! Maybe all the surf instructors here can laugh at your ass when you fall off the board and hit the reef! But then again, Hawaii people have common courtesy and would actually be concerned for you.