Thanks for the puppy vaccinations and neuter....but we won't be back.
Why? Your fear mongering, money grab policy that all dogs receive canine flu shots.
Yep. Went in to get a quote a book an appointment for neutering 2 weeks ago. Had the appointment today, quote was higher than what they said originally. How come? Manatory flu shot.
I objected. 1. not quoted, 2. policy not disclosed, 3. a clinic policy....not a law or even a city ordinance. Needless to say, greed to collect the $235 instead of $0 promped them to remove the suprise added fee.
Kind of hard to take a receptionist acting as a clinician seriously when the only support for this required vaccination is that theres dog flu "near" LV. And when asked, not one case of dog flu at their clinic.
If dog flu was rampant, dogs dying, I'd be the first one to take action.....but the Merck promo all over the doors and walls and your home made "mandatory" signs drove home the feeling that the only mandatory part was padding the bill. Its 2018. We all know the pharmaceutical company offers insentives to push their products.