| - If you care more about your haircut/beard than the quality of your food, or if you have unusually large amounts of cash to throw at average but 'hipped-up' food, or if you *think* you're sophisticated and worldly wise when it comes to food but have secretly never really come to understood what good food is all about, then this place is for you. I'm reasonably confident in suggesting that on no planet within our galaxy that supports life is it deemed in any way reasonable to charge close to $70 for a lump of brisket, however lovingly or cleverly prepared; a cut that was, until quite recently, regarded as 'poor mans' meat, which goes for pennies in any proper butchers yet to be polluted by the Food Network revolution. Or $14 for a couple of bits of brioche with a teaspoon of jazzed up crab meat on top. This place epitomizes for me all that's been going wrong with Calgary food over the past decade or so; as the saying goes, 'money ruins everything' and the fact that Calgary currently enjoys a spate of young people making downright silly money for not very much at all has, I suspect given rise to trendy unremarkanle locations such as this.
To be fair, the food was not bad. But that's the point. If you're going to charge this much money, then the food had better be pretty remarkable, and it simply isn't. Such prices are not justified by spinning dope beats and hip tracks on *actual vinyl* in the background, by having cool hipsters for waiting staff (the beard count was unusually high) or by creating an imaginative and bright menu. That's all well and good, a bit of trendy fun and perfectly welcome, but at the end of the day, the quality of food simply doesn't justify the exorbitant prices, so while it was fun to visit, I won't be going back.