This is the second time one of the AAA car care centers has done something to confirm why I will never use them again. My wife and I took her car in so they can charge the battery since it had a weak charge. We dropped it off and came back 4 hours later. This guy looked us in the face and said that the battery was basically dead and would not take a charge. He said he doubted that it had enough of a charge to crank. He explained that he hooked it up and could not get the battery to hold a charge. He, of course, suggested a battery from AAA. I know it was a lie because we had the battery tested twice and the second time was the day before we took it in. I looked at him like he was crazy because he was. I told him that we would take our chances on it and that we were not buying a new battery. I took the keys and we walked out. We crunk the car up and drove off. Truly crazy.