| - I've been coming here for years to address/reduce various physical pain while participating in different active events (Sprint Triathlons, Spartans, mini marathons, bike rides, etc) or just part of my physical training. As my body continues to develop I always extend my muscles beyond where my daily norm may be and the Neuromuscular Studio has been my go to place to eliminate pain and restore balance to my body.
Knowing the difference between massage therapy (or deep tissue massage) vs a neuromuscular massage I think is key so you can have a path to being pain free. NMT deals with the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues like the typical massage, but the treatment will focus primarily on the nervous system. The focus of the treatment addresses blood flow, trigger points and more so plan for multiple sessions to feel relief. After one session I can physically feel a difference in my body or specific area targeted, but can see how it ties in with my entire body (neck, shoulders, hip, back). All of the NMT specialist are certified in the practice and in my mind have a real good understanding of the techniques and will communicate to you during the session (if you want) about what they are focusing on and why in simple terms to understand what your body is doing. I typically will walk in and say I have a 'knot like' feeling in my back, a stiff neck or a pinched nerve... What I think is bothering me is at times visible to them so they know where to begin but explore the areas that are all interconnected.
Scheduling an appointment is really easy and it can be done with the online booking system. Key thing when you leave is to drink a lot of water as your muscles are truly going too be stimulated to help with the recovery. I look forward to all my appointments