Modeled after the great the pyramid of Tutankahmun or maybe the alien version in Stargate, the Fish Creek Library branch has been around since the 1980's and has never failed to provide me a great place to study, a place to read and chill, as well as a key south location to pick up books//CDs/films.
I remember stepping into this wonder when I was a doe-eyed sprout. I was blown away by the rows and columns of books that was available to me. Even now I am amused by how Fish Creek has stayed modern over these past years.
They have a wireless connection in the main floor for laptop users, as well tables and couches located in every area. Computer locations for internet access. There is also specialized computer stations where one can "create", which I assume has programs to suit these needs. Recently the Library has started carrying Blu-Ray movies and Fish Creek has a convenient New & Notables section right beneath the staircase.
I just wish the library would have more extended weekend hours, especially this location.