Woodman's is by the far the best grocery in Madison. It has a great selection and its cheaper than any other store in town. The produce is often half price compared HyVee and Whole Foods. Even going during peak hours, I've never had to wait long to checkout. I like this Woodman's more than the other one in Madison as it seems to have greater selection.
The only thing I don't like about Woodman's is their digital coupons. To get some coupons, you have to download the store's app which is really janky and then find the coupon you want in an endless list of coupons. But other than that, I am impressed. When I moved to Madison from Michigan, I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a grocery with cheap produce comparable to the Middle Eastern groceries in Dearborn, but I was wrong.
Note: Beware it is cash-only (and debit cards), so make you hit the ATM before going.