| - I live pretty close to Yorkdale and have visited this Sephora a number of times, but I doubt I will any longer. Convenience is great, but I'd rather have a better customer service experience, even if that means taking a trip downtown or across town.
Firstly, many of their testers are old, empty or gross. If you actually decide to try out some of their testers, you have to search the store to find makeup remover, cotton pads, lip gloss brushes etc.. and a lot of the time they are empty.
Once in a while I had good customer service, but lately I've noticed that employees seem annoyed or watch you from the corner of their eye.
Last time I went there I had the pleasure of being followed around by a grumpy security person. I was looking for a bronzer and couldn't get an employee to help, so I went around the aisles testing out different bronzers and putting the ones I liked in my basket. I saw the security guy standing close by and thought nothing of it, assuming he was just patrolling the store. The longer I walked around testing products, the more I noticed this guy appearing everywhere I was and standing close by, watching my every move, frequently looking into my basket. While I have no problem with stores taking measures to prevent theft, having somebody stand a few steps away and staring at you like you're a criminal for just being there is NO way of going about it. I noticed he was doing the same thing to other customers as well: following them and peeking into their baskets. As a person who suffers from anxiety, I felt intimidated and eventually decided to leave without purchasing anything. As I was making my way out the store, the security guy appears out of nowhere and blocks the aisle I was walking through. He glares at me, looks at the empty basket and takes it out of my hand without saying a word.
I went to another Sephora a few days later and bought the product I wanted (with the help of a friendly employee). To this day, I don't understand why they would allow an employee to purposely make customers feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. Needless to say, I'm never going back there again.