After a long night of whiskey gingers and French Canadian hipster watching at Casa Del Popolo, I drag my weary and inebriated travel companion down Saint-Laurent. After intentionally neglecting to remind him that 5 blocks in Montreal does not equal five Philadelphia blocks, we start the trek that involves a few tantrums and constant damage control until I promise to treat if he shut the hell up.
I am in Montreal. I am getting a smoked meat sandwich and poutine at 4 AM if it kills me and it most likely will.
We finally arrive, partially frozen and sobered by the ridiculous wind and order our food. Whines are at an all time high until the beer comes around and our neighboring table gets their food.
His eyes widen as he goes from bitchy to ravenous.
"So, THIS is why you dragged me thirty minutes in 0 degree weather at 4 o'clock in the morning."
After a bit of a wait our food arrives and we consequently lose our minds. He spends the remainder of the evening thanking me profusely.
5 stars for humbling the the unhumble-able.