What is not to love about Charming Charlie? You don't have to be the most girlie girl in the world to enjoy Charlie's array of selection. And boy is there a selection! The store is arranged by color and every color of the rainbow is represented, including black, white, silver, and gold! There are some apparel choices, some shoes, but it's about accessories. There are accessories to meet, fit, or challenge any personal style. It has really helped me to branch out and try bolder styles without breaking the bank!
The only reason I don't give this store 5 stars is because the staff was non-existent. There was no one helping customers--much less even saying HELLO for that matter.
I did have a fun visit there though and I will go back because it's not terribly far from me, but I'll keep in mind the staff's lack of enthusiasm. That's not representative of how other Charlie locations are so don't let that deter you.