Squirrel crepe was AMAZING. Absolutely heavenly and pure bliss. And I don't even like crepes. And am not even crazy about hazelnut chocolate. But this crepe. was. freaking. awesome. This is the first time when I can finally understand why people love crepes! I've had crepes before, both sweet and savory, and I didn't like them at all; the texture of these crepes always repelled me - too rubbery and weird for me. But this crepe was absolutely perfect - warm, fluffy, and soft but also CRISPY, not rubbery! My sister loves hazelnut and gives this crepe 5 stars too, so yeah, you gotta get this!
Chocolate milkshake (55% chocolate) was heavenly too. SO deep and rich, thick and syrupy. I would say it's slightly more bitter than sweet, so it's a matter of preference - just keep that in mind.