Have spent a lot of money at this over priced store. Had a terrible experience with the manager. I was looking and had my hand on a pair of shoes and THE MANAGER grabbed it out of my hands to show another customer. I said "I was looking at those" she wasn't even apologetic rolled her eyes...I left the store. I called and asked to speak to the manager realizing she was the one that conducted this awful behaviour. Again didn't even apologize, very defensive said I was over exaggerating cause i called her behaviour disturbing. Call got cut off, she called me back, I'm not sure why. I explained again that I was a customer and she didn't apologize she just told me "not to come back cause she only likes nice people to visit her store". Needless to say I will never shop here again. I've never been treated like that in a retail level especially in Roncesvalles. She is a poor representation of the wonderful shop owners in Roncy. All of there shoes are online and way cheaper anyway.