I seriously loved this place so much! I honestly haven't been to a dentist in a long time and my teeth were not in good condition at all (my fault, I know) and I was dreading having to go somewhere because if there's anything I hate, it's being talked to like a child or an idiot (I know I messed up with my dental hygiene, that's why I'm here, let's get past that). Despite all of this, the women who worked with me were super nice and informative despite my bad habits.
I was seen by Emily and Dr. Davito and they had calm, kind dispositions and were friendly enough to have conversations with that didn't leave my nerves a total mess. They were thorough with my x-rays, both of them explaining every single detail of the imagery and instead of scolding me for things I knowingly did that were bad for myself as previous dentists have, encouraged me to do better and provide me with the knowledge and materials to do so. The office staff was friendly and welcoming as well. The thing that stood out the most to me was that they actually read comments I had made in my file regarding my severe phobias of being sedated for surgery (no one EVER pays attention to details I have in my files and charts!) and this made me all the more trusting because they actually showed interest and care for my concerns and offered me other solutions and referred me to an oral surgeon who may be open to or have alternative solutions if it's not fully necessary.
Bottom line is that I not only found a dental facility that I'm comfortable with that's affordable, but one that I'm actually kind of excited to return to. You guys are wonderful, keep up the good work!