There are few things cuter in this life than a bunch of babies swimming together. I love that Hubbard offers free classes to infants who are 2-6 months old. It's a great way to bring in new business and it gives parents a test run of what regular swim classes will be like.
Miss Amy was our teacher for the last 3 months. She's unfortunately no longer with Hubbard but we really enjoyed the time we had with her. Classes are only thirty minutes long which is plenty of time when dealing with a newborn. We've had tears. We've had laughs. It's a crapshoot but always a lot of fun.
My only complaint is the cost after 6 months. Approximately $80 a month for one class a week, I can't imagine we'll be able to financially commit to this until our little one is well past a year old and in a solid routine. Until then, we probably won't continue with lessons until she's older.