I attended the Remuda Ranch Life Program for 45 days starting April 2013. It was my third and most serious attempt at treatment, and I would call it a success. There were many things I did not enjoy about the program, but compared to the other treatment centers I have been to, it was very well-rounded and helpful, as well as comfortable. The staff is overall very sincere and approachable. I felt trusting in them, which is important. The therapist I was assigned (Kristen) was amazing.
I think people put a lot of pressure and expectations into these treatment programs.. the reviews are almost always very harsh and nit-picking. It is NEVER GOING TO BE a pleasant experience, it is HARD and uncomfortable, but being open and trusting can help.
I would say that it is not the best environment for people suffering with binge eating/bulimia/EDNOS.. there is a lot of free time and access to food at night, with little accountability. I also experienced some trouble with people around me using behaviors which I found triggering, but since treatment I have realized that seeing these triggers were very important in getting used to being in the "real world" and recovered.
The group work (therapy) seemed to repeat after a few weeks.
Overall, I think this is a great program for people who are truly READY to get better.. it is not the highest level of care that someone who needs medical help would do well in.