The woman behind the counter completely ruined what started out as a pleasant stop. I believe she was actually one of the owners as she said her husband is the one who puts out and prices things! Their prices were off but her blatantly bad attitude was what really killed it.
We had time to kill so stopped in to hunt for vintage patterns. I was happily sorting through a tub of miscellaneous patterns and my boyfriend had found a set of 4 brass candlesticks ($4.75 per candlestick, not bad) when the woman came over to ask how we were doing. I said great but I thought her patterns were a bit overpriced. No, I did not say this in a confrontational or snotty way. I said it conversationally and added that they're 50 cents at Deseret Industries. Her response was and I quote "I don't care!" And then she stomped away.
My point was simply this, most of the patterns were new, not vintage, in fact I had just bought one of the EXACT patterns that were in the bin days before for 99 cents during a sale at JoAnn Fabrics. I have spent upwards of $15 for vintage patterns that I love but there is no reason to spend $2 on dirty, already cut (possibly pieces missing) patterns that are currently available at half the price brand new. Thanks but I'll shop at thrift stores that appreciate my business or wait for the sales at JoAnns and save myself the nasty attitude and dirty looks!
Epic Thrift is right down the way with a sweet lady as a greeter and waaaay more inventory. (No patterns, but hey, that's not what most of you are looking for anyway is it;)
If you really want to treat yourself take a drive to Boulder City where there's an abundance of adorable little vintage shops with far better inventories, prices, and certainly infinitely superior attitudes! Do yourself a favor and skip 777 Thrift!