'Hadn't touched a firearm in many, many years. After a great deal of thought about whether I wanted to permit & perhaps carry and then thoroughly researching CCW course providers, I decided to take the 4 hour CCW permit class in April '17 from A.D.F.T. It was an excellent course that included comprehensive discussion of the pluses and negatives of carrying a weapon. It also emphasized; "If you are going to carry a weapon be aware of risks, be committed to safety at all times, and acquire good training whether from us or someone else." It was this non-commercial approach and the quality of experience that, after again researching for follow-on training, led me back to A.D.F.T. I have now taken both the Fundamentals and Defensive Pistol classes and could not be more impressed & satisfied with the investment, the topics covered, the exercises, personal attention, and the excellence of instruction! I'd give them 10 Stars if I could and when they offer another class I'll be back.