Sad but painfully true, Caffe Boa "jumped the shark" years ago. Attempts to restore CB to it's former glory have fallen woefully short, and if I had to sum up their current business motto(s) it would be this: "Cafe Boa, Purveyors of Pricey Pasta". "Mediocrity Baked in Every Meal". "We've Lowered The Bar But Not Our Prices". "Doling Out Dreadful Bread...But Only If You Ask For It". You Might Need a Dictionary to Decipher Our Menu, So Just Point At What You Want And Be Prepared To Be Underwhelmed". Cafe Boa is is a lot like your grandpa that wears shorts with dress shoes and over the calf socks...they quit worrying what people think about them years ago. Expect service with a smirk, especially if you if dare to darken the doors of their declining establishment with a Groupon in hand.