I took my car to Fletcher's Goodyear this week after having heard good reviews from two trusted folks. My car had starter issues, I gave them the ok to fix then got slammed with a $1118 bill. Soon after he saw my shock to hear the price, the guy who assisted me offered to knock $300 off. I saw this as a major red flag. On the bill were a few items that seemed like unnecessary repairs. I eventually was able to negotiate down to $668. What's more, he said his co-worker had told me the price tag over the phone but if this were the case, I obviously won't have been so surprised to hear it in the store. Turns out I'm not the only one who's had problems with Fletcher's auto, as several online reviews attest. Also, the state of Arizona filed suit against the Gilbert Fletcher's two years ago, see http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=cc1fad182b6d6f8b1e352e206&id=ef0b56fb0f.