This place used to be good. I'd been here at least six times before, without a complaint.... Then the service went to the dogs. The last time my three friends and I went was after a free show in the Quartier des Spectacles-- the place was packed, but we managed to snag a table that had just been vacated by a group of six on the terrace. The slightly frazzled barmaid approached us, greeted us in French, started taking our order and promptly detected we were English (though all bilingual, and responding to her in French, without a second thought)....
And which point her attitude went from acceptable to horrifying. She rudely told us that we were far too many for the table because she 'could not pass' (bear in mind that this terrace is un-navigatable on any given night *and* we were four at a table just vacated by six). We civilly tried to come to some sort of understanding (IE- reshuffling ourselves to allow her a wider lane)... But she would not be swayed and continued to speak to us in the same unacceptable manner. It got to the point that she called the manager over to have us thrown out of the bar (for being 'unruly'-- the manager would not allow us an explanation). If I had to hazard a guess, it's because we were anglophone. I truly can't think of any other reason for that sort of treatment or the Jekyll and Hyde act.
I, nor my friends have never been rude to service people in our lives. And believe me... none of us, nor the rest of our friends will ever return to an establishment that treats potential (and local) paying customers with such xenophobic contempt.