Warning: Do not ever give these folks your credit card or banking info. They will find ways to auto-bill you without ever providing a receipt or a statement and then will send fake bills to collection agencies saying you're delinquent! They've done this to us at least 3 times over the past 6 years, and finally Aetna is getting us set up with a different company. We have never received supplies from Apria--only the original machine--and have ordered our own supplies on amazon.
Part of the problem is that their billing department is completely separate from the local folks who are supposed to send equipment. Even though they have never sent us supplies, we get auto-billed every month for supplies (they take money out of our bank account). When we call to tell them nothing was ordered or received, they say they can't tell what the billing department does, and they tell us to call billing. When we call the billing department, they can't tell what the warehouse did and won't call to straighten it out. Whenever they have called to tell us something is in collections, they can't provide info on exactly what is in collections and how we could have missed any payment when they take money out automatically every month for (never provided) supplies and services!
I realize this post probably doesn't make much sense--it makes no sense to us, either! We get different stories from everyone we talk with, and each time we're on the phone for hours without any resolution. I would give zero stars if possible!