| - Dr. Stovall is a fantastic dentist that I highly recommend. In fact, oral surgeons recommend her...
I moved to Charlotte from California and needed to find a dentist after a tooth implant started to wiggle. Following the advice my of childhood dentist, I called local a oral surgeon in the area to get a recommendation of who to see. You see, oral surgeons get to see the work of many dentists, so their office staff usually knows who the good ones are. In a heartbeat, Dr. Stovall was recommended. I was able to make an appointment the same day and come in.
I was expecting that the crown of my implant needed to be re-cemented to secure it. Boy was I wrong. After carefully examining my teeth and taking x-rays, it appears that the bone of my jaw was cracked and that is why my implant was wiggling. Yikes, I know. Still, Dr. Stovall calming yet firmly explained the situation to me (at the end of the work day, nonetheless). She took the time to answer any and all of my questions and asked for the contact information of my oral surgeon in California so that she could explain the situation.
Not only did Dr. Stovall give me time, attention, and concern in her office, she frequently emailed me well after work to update me of the surgeons recommendations. She even followed up with me just to make sure that things were progressing. That is going above and beyond any dental experience I have ever had.
All in all, Dr. Stovall is very knowledgeable and dedicated to her profession and helping people in a way that I have never experienced.