Terminal sedation resulting in death from dehydration... That's what this "hospice" dis doing to my elderly mother in law who was not dying of a terminal illness. Her diagnosis was Atrial Fibulation and Edema. She was just old and unable to care for herself. My Father in law asked for nursing help taking care of her but couldn't afford a nursing home. Her dr referred her to hospice and they cared for her a few months then dropped her because she wasn't dying fast enough. My Father in law took her back to the hospital because she was confused and agitated. They sedated her and referred her back to hospice who convinced my Father on law that he should taker her home on terminal sedation. We went to AZ to see what was going on and being an RN, I realized what was happening and stopped her sedation and she woke up... Very thirsty and hungry and angry. After we left he took her back to the hospital where they resedated her into a coma. 11 days without food or water and she will likely die soon.. These are very unethical practices. We offered to bring her to Cali where she could be taken care of but hospice had him convinced she was dying if kidney failure... Which she ultimately will ...because of dehydration.