okay, am I just way too picky? Am I just bitter and taking it out on restaurants? I'd like to think not.....But is there not a cook in town who will actually cook a burger med rare when you ask them to? Oh they'll say they will, but was that a little smirk on the waitress's face I saw as she turned to enter my order? AZ88 is known for their awesome burgers. Got mine with cheese and mushrooms and was assured by the amicable and super foxy young bartender that it would be cooked exactly to my specifications. mwah mwah mwaaaaaaah......It was well done....again! I've been duped again! I will not eat a well done burger that I just paid 12 bucks for, no matter how dreamy the bartender's eyes and kinda dirty but still sexy hair is. This is an outrage! Are there others who get as bummed out by an overcooked burger as I do? I will risk the salmonella or cryptospiridium or whatever, just to have a juicy burg, yo....Is there anybody with me?