The absolute WORST PLACE TO GAMBLE!!! Blackjack dealers are trained to cheat players by cutting away more than half of the deck leaving a much smaller chance to win. Double deck games are giving players 40 % of the deck to play with. No option allowed to play a second hand to change the flow of cards when the house is cleaning out your wallet. You must wait until the shuffle to add another hand even if you are the only player at the table. This place is full of OLD CROOKS running the place trying desperately to rip off players. ALL other Casinos give the players 65 to 75% of the deck to offer a much better chance to win. Even their video poker machines are a big rip off. MANY of the control buttons are all sticky so when you try to hold a card the sticky button will often malfunction and give the house a big advantage with no one to provide service in this situation. You have to be very desperate to gamble here. Their WI-FI service for your cell phone doesn't exist. Your phone connection will show "NO SERVICE" in the display, ironically just like the Hotel/Casino.... "NO SERVICE"