CHECK CITY is by far the worst pay day loan company you could ever use! Don't take what I say lightly. I mean it. They are awful. I have a loan out with them and unfortunately I'm going through struggles with income at the moment. THEY COULDN'T CARE LESS. They are so heartless and cruel. They will harass you constantly until you pay. When I say harass, I mean if you don't pick up the phone when they call, they will call your references and your job right after!! They don't care! I've called and explained my situation and they say " let's work something out" and nothing gets worked out. Total scum bag of a business and I highly recommend you choose wisely before getting a loan from CHECK CITY. By the way I've used other loan companies and they call but never harass or call my work or references. There are much better businesses who will loan you money and treat you well.