| - I've been a patient of Dr David Matter for over ten years, putting up with a twenty-plus minute drive since moving from Gilbert to Chandler. I didn't enjoy the drive, but I really liked him, so my eye never wandered... until one day a fancy mailer caught my eye. I recall seeing the phrase "paraffin wax", and baby, that's all she wrote.
After walking into the unassuming office, which faces Alma School (you'll park on the opposite side of the building), I excitedly anticipated which part of my anatomy would be waxed. The office is adjacent to a colon hydro-therapy business, so I really didn't know what to expect.
Mesha greeted me, and suggested I take a seat. After blurting out something about spa treatments, she summoned Dawnie, who I immediately took a shine to. She was utterly charming, referring to moi as "sugar" and "honey". Where's the tip jar, cuz daddy's ready to slap it down!
After being ushered to one of their "relaxation rooms", and seeing an ultra-modern massage chair, I shifted focus to Dawnie and let out an "Oh Mama!". She coaxed my shoes off, and had me dip my paws into a crock pot of translucent wonder. First the palms, then the backsides. Each hand was bagged and summarily placed into a soft mitten.
I was led to the chair, which had foot massage apparatus, which I have never seen before. Asking for a photo, I realized my camera was tucked into my front pocket. Dawnie, realizing I was about to try and stuff my baker-sized oven mitt in my jeans, offered to take the photo and text it to me. The massage chair was activated, and I spent the next 15 minutes in Pamper-ville.
Tessa, my hygienist, came to fetch me. She even carried my clod hoppers to the cleaning room. Total sweetheart. After completing the cleaning, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr Caryn Lee. The whole experience was one pretty woman after another.
I love ya Dr Madder, but these breezies got me on lock.
ps. They have the ability to mold your crown in-house, same day, so NO TEMPORARIES!!! YAY!