If you don't know that this place exists your chances of finding it by accident are pretty slim. That is part of the charm of this book store. It's one of those stuffy shops that you stumble upon while you're waiting between appointments or just wandering through the neighborhood by on a whim. Words Worth is a maze of used books on shelves that form their own rooms. Every inch of this place that isn't for walking about is crammed with things to read.
After work one afternoon I wandered into this place by with nothing in mind in particular. As I entered a friendly gentleman asked me if there was something I wanted to find. I indicated that I didn't have a preference and wished to explore. Shortly after I decided to test his knowledge of the store contents and asked for books about Calgary's history. He was very quick to pull out about half a dozen books from various decades. I ended up buying two books that I treasure very much and have doubts that I would ever find again.
I'll will return.