Dentist left me in extreme pidgin while she left for a 2 week vacation.
My tooth broke and I wanted it pulled. She gave me an rx for the infection and pain and scheduled to have it pulled. About 3 days later, I called cause the pain meds were not working. The receptionist said she would have the dentist call in another rx. Got a callback saying I would have to pick up the rx since it was a narcotic. Was also asked if I could reschedule the appointment, I told them I couldn't because of my job (I would have been fired and told the receptionist this). I also informed them that my husband would be picking up the rx and if they could tape it to the door since he might not make it before they closed. They said no and my husband wound up picking it up the next day. He went to the pharmacy and the rx couldn't be filled because the dentist wrote it wrong and informed me that the regulations for percocet had changed about 6 months before. I called the dentist back and the receptionist told me she will let the dentist know but that the dentist was leaving for a 2 week vacation and my appointment would still need to be rescheduled.
Well I never got a call back or the corrected rx, the dentist left me in extreme pain while she left for 2 weeks. I did call the office back and was told the dentist left foot the 2 week vacation.