This is a humble eatery, a pleasant surprise in the midst of a sordid neighborhood. The restaurant is choc-a-bloc on a weekend evening. So it is best to arrive around 7 pm, not later than that.
As indicated on their menu they start preparing the food only after the order is placed leading to a considerably long wait (45 mins to one hour). However, during the waiting period their customers have quite a few occupations like looking at the paraphernalia on the walls, sipping margaritas, devouring the crunchy tacos, listening to the loud Spanish music or looking at what other people are eating.
Whatever their clients choose to do, there comes a time when the waiter places the hot plate on the table, they pick up the fork, take a mouthful and then there is calm in the din of Los Dos Molinos. In fact there is a near- Nirvana experience with every bite of the carnitas or enchiladas.
At the end the brusque manner of the waiting staff is forgotten, so is the long wait and restlessness.