| - I'm an adult who is done with college and the college experience, therefore, I HATE living here. Living around kids is one thing. Living around irresponsible drunks who have their mommy and daddy pay for them to live so they have nothing to do but get drunk, have their friends over to party, and make the lives of anyone who just wants a quiet living experience and make it to work on time rested hell is another. And they just keep multiplying! If I could take the inside of my apartment and move it anywhere away from the delinquents that make up this community, I would in an instant. My apartment is so nice and roomy, but there is no sound proofing so I am forced to listen to my neighbors partying 7 days a week. Watch your step, otherwise you will be wearing dog poop or vomit on all your shoes, hide your belongings because it's almost a guarantee that your car or place will be broken into (yes my car was broken into as well-50% of the posters here have been subject to a break in...hmmm), and don't come with a nice car because it will be keyed and hit- repeatedly.
The pool is happening. If you are a tattoo wearing, hip-hop loving (they even bring their own DJ), beer drinking (at noon on a Monday), hookah smoker come on down! You've got hundreds of friends waiting for you at Wesley Village. The staff here will welcome you with open arms, watch you vomit in the pool, swim with your puppy, smoke your bong, and say "Welcome home! Would you like a T-shirt?" (yes, I've seen all of these happen while the staff was working. The pool is attached to the office and nothing was addressed).
They need to close this place down to the public and just offer it to Johnson and Wales as off campus housing. They openly market it to them anyway considering they had a catered open house for them just a few weeks ago. It's very apparent that's the demographic they want. It's evident they don't care to have responsible adults renting here. They want mommy and daddy's auto withdrawal bank account and the ability to say they have a lot of social activities. It's a private school, they know pops can pay overpriced rent, and, with the way these children behave, I'm can guarantee mommy and daddy are more than happy to pay top dollar to get their little darlings out of their house. I don't buy that the Charlotte Law students that live here act like this. If they do, they won't be here next year anyway so they aren't really much of a concern.
Warning to the people that move in after the delinquents move out. They will have trashed your place. These apartments, although aesthetically beautiful, weren't built well, so you will probably have massive maintenance issues. But, if you're a student, who cares right? You just need a place to smoke your weed and do your keg stands. Who cares if anything works. And the staff at Wesley Village not only will let you, they'll promote it.
Do your research on this community and you'll see a common theme. Those that love it always mention the pool and the 'social' aspect of the community. It is social. Just like my dorm in college. When I was 21, I didn't care about the vomit outside my door in the morning or the parties. The people that hate it, all say the exact same thing. It's a matter of priorities. Before you rent here, ask yourself what your priorities are.